pymcuprog.deviceinfo package


pymcuprog.deviceinfo.deviceinfo module A simple Device Information service

Device information is stored in files named <devicename>.py in the devices sub-folder Each device file contains a dict of values These device files are [ideally] generated from DFP information by [running | hand]

class pymcuprog.deviceinfo.deviceinfo.DeviceMemoryInfo(device_info)

Bases: object

API to fetch information about device memory segments

static bytes_or_words(address_param)

Return multiplier for address parameter

The returned multiplier can be used to convert the address parameter to byte address


address_param – Address parameter (used as key in device info dict)


Multiplier to convert the address to byte address

memory_info_by_address(byte_address, address_type='address', size_type='size')

Returns information about the memory type for a given byte address

  • byte_address – Memory address to check

  • address_type – Selects between normal addresses and addresses used in hex files (ADDRESS vs HEXFILE_ADDRESS)

  • size_type – Selects between normal size and size used in hexfiles (size vs hexfile_size)

memory_info_by_address_range(start, stop, address_type='address', size_type='size')

Returns a list of all memories applicable for the address range(start, stop)

  • start – Start address (byte)

  • stop – End address (byte)

  • address_type – Selects between normal addresses and addresses used in hex files (address vs hexfile_address)

  • size_type – Selects between normal size and size used in hexfiles (size vs hexfile_size)


Returns information about the requested memory


Return a list of all supported devices

A device is supported if it has a device model file in the devices folder


list of devices


Looks up device info for a given part


devicename – device to look up


device information dict

pymcuprog.deviceinfo.deviceinfokeys module

Definitions of keys for device info dictionaries

class pymcuprog.deviceinfo.deviceinfokeys.DeviceInfoKeys

Bases: object

Base class with common device info keys

ARCHITECTURE = 'architecture'
DEVICE_ID = 'device_id'
INTERFACE = 'interface'
NAME = 'name'
classmethod get_all()

Get a list of all keys

:return List of all valid keys (baseclass and any subclass keys if run on a subclass)

class pymcuprog.deviceinfo.deviceinfokeys.DeviceInfoKeysAvr

Bases: DeviceInfoKeys

Keys specific to AVR device info files

ADDRESS_SIZE = 'address_size'
DATA_ADDRESS_SPACE = 'data_space_base'
HV_IMPLEMENTATION = 'hv_implementation'
NVMCTRL_BASE = 'nvmctrl_base'
OCD_BASE = 'ocd_base'
PROG_CLOCK_KHZ = 'prog_clock_khz'
SYSCFG_BASE = 'syscfg_base'
class pymcuprog.deviceinfo.deviceinfokeys.DeviceInfoKeysAvr32

Bases: DeviceInfoKeys

Keys specific to 32-bit AVR device info files

RESET_DOMAINS = 'reset_domains'
class pymcuprog.deviceinfo.deviceinfokeys.DeviceInfoKeysPic

Bases: DeviceInfoKeys

Keys specific to PIC device info files

DEFAULT_BULK_ERASE_ADDRESS = 'default_bulk_erase_address'
class pymcuprog.deviceinfo.deviceinfokeys.DeviceMemoryInfoKeys

Bases: object

Keys for device memory info dictionary

These keys are found in the dictionaries returned by DeviceMemoryInfo for each memory type

ADDRESS = 'address'
CHIPERASE_EFFECT = 'chiperase_effect'
ERASE_ADDRESS = 'erase_address'
HEXFILE_ADDRESS = 'hexfile_address'
HEXFILE_SIZE = 'hexfile_size'
ISOLATED_ERASE = 'isolated_erase'
NAME = 'name'
PAGE_SIZE = 'page_size'
READ_SIZE = 'read_size'
SIZE = 'size'
VERIFY_MASK = 'verify_mask'
WRITE_SIZE = 'write_size'
classmethod get_all()

Get a list of all keys


List of all valid keys (baseclass and any subclass keys if run on a subclass)

pymcuprog.deviceinfo.eraseflags module

Definitions of erase related flags for the device models


Return a list of all ChiperaseEffect values

pymcuprog.deviceinfo.memorynames module

Memory name definitions

class pymcuprog.deviceinfo.memorynames.MemoryNameAliases

Bases: object

Memory names that are actually not real memories but an alias for several memories

ALL = 'all'
class pymcuprog.deviceinfo.memorynames.MemoryNames

Bases: object

Memory names corresponding to target device memories

BOOT_ROW = 'boot_row'
CALIBRATION_ROW = 'calibration_row'
CONFIG_WORD = 'config_words'
DCI = 'dci'
DIA = 'dia'
EEPROM = 'eeprom'
FLASH = 'flash'
FUSES = 'fuses'
ICD = 'icd'
INTERNAL_SRAM = 'internal_sram'
LOCKBITS = 'lockbits'
SIGNATURES = 'signatures'
USER_ID = 'user_id'
USER_ROW = 'user_row'
classmethod get_all()

Get a list of all memories representing actual device memories

:return List of all memory names representing actual device memories

Module contents